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Automate Your
Front Office's
Most Repetitive Tasks

Get more patients in the door, while maintaining control of your practice's schedule.



How can NextPatient
help your practice?

From patient self-scheduling and smart reminders to automated waitlist management, bill pay, and more,
NextPatient serves premier ophthalmology practices.

Online Form Requests
vs. NextPatient Self-Scheduling

Accelerate patient access and reduce busywork for your staff. Want to see what NextPatient can do for your ophthalmology practice? 

Compare Your Estimated Monthly Revenue Results
Typical ophthalmology practices using NextPatient's self-scheduling double their online bookings and confirm more than 90% of those appointments.

With your current online form requests $

With NextPatient's online scheduling $

We have been using NextPatient for just under a year. My experience with setting up and using NextPatient has been so easy and seamless. Never have I converted to a platform or started a new system that was so easy. My experience working with Taylor Stevens has been wonderful. He has always been accessible when needed, and I have never had to remind him to make any requested edits or help.
Jill Poulsen | Marketing Manager, The Eye Institute of Utah

NextPatient Partners With Top Practice Management Systems for Ophthalmology

Ready to see how your ophthalmology practice can grow with NextPatient?